Mar 29, 2018

Everything Through Trump Prism

There was quite a bit of buzz about the Rosanne show redo. While it did very well in the number of viewers,  facebook and other social media were awash with snarks, almost all based on the snarker's view of Trump. Because Roseanne portrayed a supporter, or at least a voter for Trump, Trump's opponents took to spraying their venom on Roseanne. She's a pig, as crude as ever, was the overall tone of their rants.

I never imagined that Trump would polarize the country in the way that he has.  The liberal media has taken to considering Saturday Night Live bashes as news.  Roseanne Barr has always been well tuned to popular sentiment,  and I suspect is well poised to produce another classic series.

ADDENDUM: An opinion piece on CNN concedes that the show is good, credits the known liberals involved, such as Sara Gilbert, but discredits Roseanne. That so typifies the distorted prism through which MSM has chosen to operate.


  1. What would you expect from a mid-western theme program. The ultra leftist media will attack the President at any level and will be exposed for this gross manipulation on election day 2020.

  2. Mike,

    Far too few liberals are themselves tolerant of any beliefs that stray from their own orthodoxy. And witnessing their near hysterical behavior, hatred, and rage in both words and deeds who any longer doubts many of them were cheer the looting of local conservative owned shops and businesses. Vocally support the suppression of conservative speech and thought,burn conservative books and ban conservative publications, and jeer at local, vocal conservatives rounded up and marched through the streets for harassment or worse?

    Frankly, I can't believe I am writing this but at the same time I don't doubt for a minute the nature of what has truly become the liberal beast.

  3. Obama wasn't polarizing --- No, never, not even when he's telling Israel they have to go back to pre-1967 borders.

    But, hey, whatever.

    Enjoy the tax cuts while they last.

  4. Trump has not caused the polarization - but rather has revealed it.

    My theory is that the Marxist / Communists / USA hating professors have had an impact on students since the mid 1970's. We now have two generations that have been exposed to this indoctrination. It is now seeping into the public schools. Rather than being 'liberal' they are now full fledged 'leftists'.

    What drives the left is the absurd idea that anything goes and everything must be equal - when anything goes - everything goes.

  5. The problem is all those people who don't think the way that I do. They are hysterical hate-filled jack-booted thug-mongers. I, on the other hand, am the epitome of respect, reasonableness, open-mindedness, and good breeding.

  6. How's the weather in Crazytown?

    So far, The Republicans have absolutely nothing to offer America except hate, vitriol, Obama/Hillary derangement syndrome, resistance, more failed trickle down voodoo economics and faux Christian identity/victim pimp politics.

  7. Trent,

    Wander out of your "certainly not our side, we are all good" bubble for a moment and see the ugliness that passes for accepted behavior on the left. Conservatives are wearing vagina hats, we aren't co-opting tragedies for partisan advantage, we aren't rioting on college campuses to stop liberals from speaking, we aren't shaming anyone because of their race, gender, or religion.

    Drop the smug and get a clue Trent!

  8. of course I thought I wrote "conservatives aren't wearing vagina hats". Long day at work as usual.

  9. Political dialogue used to be about using logic and reason to convince people which policies would produce a better world.

    Now political dialogue is about making increasingly cheap straw man arguments. And looking down on one's opponents as morally and intellectually inferior beings.

    Throw in some insults masquerading as humor and "telling it like it is", and we're well on the path towards the society envisioned in Mike Judge's excellent movie "Idiocracy".

  10. Bob,

    Is it logical to wear vagina hats, to riot and shout down those who disagree with your thinking? Is it correct to shame young people simply on their race, gender or religious beliefs. I could go on but the point is, it is not logic is it? Is it logical to pretend it is not happening?

    When one side of the political discourse is openly hateful, is it possible to have a productive discussion with hate?

    This is the new reality in America. I don't hate people who disagree with me, but there are plenty of people who hate me exactly because I dare to openly disagree with them.

    Let's not pretend both sides are to blame. No conservatives rioted during the 8 years of Obama. There was one or two very peaceful Tea Party assemblies in Washington. No arrests, no foul language, no litter. Conservative students aren't preventing anyone from speaking on college campuses, no Republicans shut down freeways or looted stores because of some perceived injustice. No we took it because we lost the election and when any of us dared to complain we were called haters.

    I could go on, America is now a very angry place, but let's not pretend for a minute both sides are to blame.

  11. I thought there were two points of view: Liberal & Conservative. But there are three: Add leftists / socialist / communists . See how far socialism has worked in Venezuela.

    As I said in a previous post: the leftists seek to destroy common sense. First, Gay Rights (which is OK by all), but then we have Gay Marriage (see if that works out better than heterosexual Marriage), then finally we have to have a discussion about transsexual issues.

    So we are consumed about these issues. Maybe next, we will discuss Martian rights.

  12. Scott your reply contained no explanation of your own political beliefs and how if implemented they will lead to a better world. It's all about how the other guys are badly behaved idiot hypocrites, pretty much proving my original point.

    And Trent's post is more of the same. I don't have to pretend anything, it's right here on this page.

    Really is it your argument that I should vote for Trump because some people are shouting down speakers on campuses? Maybe that feels good to you because it reinforces your own beliefs but it does nothing to convince me. Would you be persuaded to vote for Dems because some white supremacists are marching with tiki torches?

    From what I've observed on Fox, large doses of that channel might lead one to conclude that the ridiculousness is all on one side. My own experience is that I know equal numbers of liberals and conservatives with difficulty tolerating opposing views. Nobody has a monopoly on the ridiculousness. I'd prefer to let each side characterize their own beliefs as best as they can and decide for myself what sounds right.

  13. Bob,

    Why don't you re-read my post. I point out the difference between the two sides that currently exists.

  14. Scott,

    Again, there's nothing in your post about the policies you support and how they would lead to a better world. It's just how the other guys are idiots. Oh, and they're smug.

    "Vote Republican because some Democrats held protests" is a really weak argument. As is "vote Democrat because some Republicans held KKK rallies". You can ascribe motives all day long to the other side but it'll never become a policy statement.

  15. Bob,

    Nice try trying to change the subject. But the topic here is behavior and intolerance not issues or policy. That said, I can't blame you fro trying as the behavior of your party is "deplorable". By the way, why not refresh all of us on when the Republicans held a Klan Rally.I can tell you when the Democrats did, at their 1923 national convention, it was referred to as the Klan bake.As well the two patron saints of progressives were racist, Woodrow Wilson was open and avowed and Franklin Roosevelt as president condone racist practices, he also interned the Japonese Americans just because they were Japanese Americans. I could go on but the point is made.

  16. Scott, the Democrats are not my party. I am an independent. But I agree that there are individual Democrats who have behaved in a deplorable manner. And there are individual Republicans who have too.

    The "who is worse" playground game is a waste of time.

    My point is that taking cheap shots against some screwballs on the other side does not make a cogent policy argument. Which is why I wrote that anyone who says to vote against Republicans because of recent events in Charleston is *NOT* making a cogent policy argument. You have misunderstood this as me actually saying that people should vote against Republicans because of Charleston. Then you made some false assumptions about my party affiliation and then reverted back to "no, YOU stink".

    There's nothing original or productive about this "who is worse" silliness, more and more people are doing it because that's all that MSNBC and FoxNews serve up, and people on both sides are buying into this politics of demonization because it stimulates the brain's "outrage" sector, and/or gives a flag to rally around, and/or is self-affirming. No wonder there's so much polarization.
