Mar 6, 2018

Pawlowski As A Charlatan

Since Pawlowski's conviction last Thursday I have read numerous articles where people,  even a juror, think that his only fault and mistake was running for Governor and Senator.  If not for needing huge sums of contributions for those campaigns,  he would have remained the savior of Allentown.  While some of these people are under-informed, others are misinformed, and some are actually part of Allentown's ethical problem. Worse, even an article by a Morning Call reporter repeats this nonsense; Allentown residents thought so highly of Pawlowski that last year,... They re-elected him to a fourth term. He only won because it was a three way race, with his support coming from the most uninformed of the voters.

The extensive new construction in Allentown is the result a unique state incentive plan called the NIZ.  While it is occurring in Allentown because of State Senator Pat Browne,  Pawlowski had little more to do with it than you or me.  Because he is mayor,  he was allowed to cut the ribbons,  and claim credit for the new construction,  but it was a gross distortion of the truth.  He did however  hope to capitalize on that distortion and get elected to higher office as a result of the confusion.

Using distortion and confusion comes naturally to Pawlowski.  He never had respect for a level playing field,  and always was willing to step on people to achieve his objectives.  Those who think that his faith based work was sincere,  should remember Jim and Tammy Baker.  Before he had bigger targets to leverage,  he played the small fries off each other.  Over his first few years he took the Hamilton Street cleaning contract away from one small fry to give it to a bigger small fry, who could influence more potential voters. Over the years his fries got bigger, but he remained a small time charlatan. Perhaps the saddest part of the trial was seeing people humiliate themselves by saying that they contributed to Pawlowski because they thought that he would make a good governor or senator.  They didn't have much choice, either humiliate themselves or confess to bribery.



  2. I agree with the Jim and Tammy show and Pass the Loot [PTL] epic that accompanied them. I have no compassion for Boss Hogg and his wife. Both of these co-conspirators fleeced enough people in their time. The problem is that they are still doing it. No remorse, no act of contrition, nothing! She's looking for a full-time job on Facebook and worrying about her family medical coverage while her scamming hubby is trying to influence the judge through a letter writing campaign. So much for pious people. When both were sitting on top of the world, emasculating people, where was their care for full-time employment and paid medical benefits.

    As they show no remorse, I hope the judge finds the same!

  3. Your Pawlowski exposes over the years have constituted a real service to Allentown

  4. I and my company have always made it clear NO we are not pay to play! We provide quality work in exchange for honest wages. I could write a book about what we have endured as a small family owned and operated company. I must say that Pawlowski and his entourage were very formidable opponents. Although it affected myself, company, and my entire family. I am happy to report our integrity still stands. Thank You Mr. Molovinsky for the honorable mention!
