Mar 9, 2018

The Rise And Fall Of Ed Pawlowski

I may know a little more about Ed Pawlowski than others, because in 2005 as an independent, I ran against him as the third person on the ticket.  Before working for Afflerbach,  Pawlowski worked at the Alliance For Building Communities,  which is dedicated to low income housing.

As Pawlowski gave the same speech to every city group during that campaign,  he didn't seem terribly insightful to me.  His campaign power point presentation, night after night, actually became painful to endure.  I also noticed that he injected that little half laugh into his replies,  intended to connote sincerity.

After being elected, he practiced cronyism to a level not previously seen in Allentown.  Jobs and positions became anything but merit-based at City Hall.  During a candidate night at the NAACP, he pointed out into the audience and told certain people that they would be hired if he was elected.  Helping him succeed with this pandering was the Morning Call reporter assigned to the election, who never reported on these incidences.  Every article was written to make Pawlowski shine.

Although City Council earlier in 2005 had rejected the concept of a managing director in favor of keeping a strong mayor form of government,  they allowed Pawlowski to hire his own managing director soon after being elected.  This person,  like Pawlowski, was not from Allentown.  They combined the Park and Recreation Departments,  and hired someone with a recreation background from Penn State. The next three park directors all had the identical background.

Pawlowski's resignation speech delivered yesterday afternoon repeated all the misconceptions fostered unto his supporters by both himself and The Morning Call;  It is the notion that Allentown is better off now than before he became mayor.  Certainly there are new buildings on Hamilton Street.  Certainly J.B. Reilly is much better off than before the NIZ, which Pawlowski had nothing do to with, but is Allentown really better off?  I think not.   In yesterday's speech, Pawlowski mentioned that he rejuvenated the parks.  Although he purchased a catalog of plastic playground equipment, the parks are much worse off now. One pool has closed since he became mayor, and another is slated to close. The iconic WPA structures are barely hanging on. Truth be told, the little work done on them is because of my efforts. Besides neglecting our traditional park system, he abused the former small merchants of Hamilton Street. He concentrated all his efforts in center city, ignoring both south and east Allentown. Although he and The Morning Call may like to think that his administration was accomplished, I think that he was one of the worst mayors in Allentown's history.

Students of this blog may realize that although I criticized his park and other policies from the beginning, I never accused him of pay to play. However, after following the trial, there was no doubt that he was guilty as charged. His resignation becomes official at 5:00pm today. Although I don't drink, I'm almost tempted to go to happy hour tonight.


  1. Mike,

    Informed and truthful wrap up of a very destructive period in Allentown's history. I took offense as well from the Morning Call reporting yesterday. I put the following rant on my Facebook page.

    "Allentown Mayor Ed Pawlowski says he will resign Friday
    Allentown Mayor Ed Pawlowski announced today he will resign from office at 5 p.m. Friday, ending what could have been one of the brightest tenures in Allentown history"

    Really? What world is Emily Opila living in? it is certainly not mine. Maybe that's because I actually live in Allentown. The real Allentown where poverty rises annually to the point that based on the federal measure over 90% of the ASD's student body falls into that sad range. Where the blight that is rampant in our downtown neighborhoods is spreading into large swath of the city. Where city hall is by all accounts broken and dysfunctional, our city parks decaying and in disrepair, our roads a mess, and what passes for renewal has been the transformation of our downtown into just another Omaha Nebraska. I could go on.

    Ed claimed credit for Pat Browne's good work and the press either through ignorance or partisanship bought the lie and dutifully passed it on while they ignored the blatant corruption of Ed's city hall.That is their proud legacy and now they perpetuate the crime with dribble such as I copied above.

    Is there any shame in Allentown? There are plenty who should be!

  2. Good article MM. In 2005, [and I hate to admit this], I was a consultant to the Pawlowski campaign. I principally joined to help him on public safety, which he had no proper guidance. After laying out a comprehensive plan that addressed general crime throughout the city and to reestablish police presence in the crumbling neighborhoods where it all starts, all I received was lip service from him. I knew at that time he had no plans to enhance public safety and completely lied to the public who showed up at the press conferences. When I questioned him about the lying, he stated, "I can lie anytime, it's a campaign". I packed up my bags and left.

    This is the legacy, and least from my perspective, that resounded for me. Subsequently, he constantly left the police department's manpower severely low, introduced no new policing plans, and continuously capitalized on a national downturn in crime. His camera program, supplemented by federal dollars, is not a proactive crime tool and is only used in reactive investigations; lessening the effectiveness of its intended use. When the great pension exodus occurred, I personally warned him about it and it took him nine (9) years to catch up. We drew up a plan to bring the force up to strength in three (3) years. This was disregarded. As mayor he was a complete detriment and disgrace for public safety and should have been charged with malfeasance and disregard for the citizens of Allentown.

    1. Thank you for speaking out. Unfortunately, you were one of many that were betrayed.

  3. I join the others in taking a big sigh of relief.

  4. Your insights about him over the years have been invaluable. Now you can add to the litany the capstone of any rotten politician. Corruption, bribery,and extortion.
